My Events

I'm super excited to announce I'm going to be the Bloom Community leader to build the tantra community in Seattle!

Get the Bloom app here to see ALL MY EVENTS (no shadow bans) AND connect with me and others in the community: Bloom App Here

Occasionally, I have private events advertised only via email. To get on my private email list (and get an awesome freebie) Sign up HERE.

Read below for testimonials, FAQ, photos, and more!


I believe everyone deserves deep connection

I believe everyone can find community and belonging

I believe that pain is real, but suffering is optional and you can be free from it today.

My mission is to end self-harm.


I used to live with daily suicidal ideation, have watched family die young and one attempt to take her life because she felt alone.

I’ve learned how to live an abundantly joyful life, full of deep belonging and I know this is available to absolutely everyone.

We don’t have a day to waste!

That’s why my parties and events are different.

The focus is creating a connection with everyone in the room before the “party” even begins.

There’s no pressure to do anything, ever.

You’re always at choice and we emphasize taking are of yourself first, even if you come with a partner(s).

All your emotions are welcome. Our top priority is physical and emotional safety.

If you’re tired of shallow connections (or not even making a connection) this party is for you.

If you’ve never been to a play party or affection based event, this party is for you.

If you’re tired of being in a room full of strangers, and want to find a room full of like-minded community, this party is for you!

We are building a diverse, inclusive, and connected community that gives back to one another.

YOU are welcome here.

BIPOC, LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈, gamers, geeks, corporates and everyone in between!

All parts of you are welcome. This is an excellent space to “try on” new ways of presenting, new beliefs, and new ways of being.

So what are you waiting for?

We’re waiting for you to come home.

Home to yourself, to others, and to pleasure ;)

What Event Attendees Are Saying...

I’m feeling less judgement about strangers. Got to know each other in a way that would be difficult or impossible to do elsewhere. Having deep conversation with total strangers is inspirational and motivational -V.

Nice to have a deeper dive on others perspectives- gave me more compassion. -N.

It's nice to be reminded that men value communication and want to grow. Appreciated the depth and willingness of their shares. It pleased my heart. Proof that what I’m looking for is out there. -L.

Enjoyed airing grievances in a way that was valuable and without backlash. Found that it dissolves problems. -A.

There’s so much we can appreciate about each other. -J.

PL@Y PARTIES are Demisexal friendly with structure and connection before play. -N.

First time I’ve talked about this with the other gender in the room- it feels good! Like you want to keep talking and connecting. -P.

Loved everyone’s openness to share. -L.

It's easier now to treat someone as person not as a label. N-.

Love that you took the time to put it together, it’s much needed and appreciated. -J.

It’s super special I’ve never talked about it with both genders, -P.

Frequently asked questions

What types of events do you offer?

I offer everything from zoom workshops, fully clothed corporate events and level white Tantra events, to level pink snuggle events and, of course, the favorite of most people, level RED Pl@y/Temple Parties.

Is a Pl@y Party an 0rgie?

LOL, sort of, but it's not entirely anything goes. It's structured with a focus on bringing as much comfort, and safety as possible, with an enourmous emphasis on CONSENT.

See "What is a Pl@y Party"?


Unlike many “house parties”, where anyone and everyone comes and goes and that lacks structure and no rules. My events have an opening circle that everyone must be present for so that rules and guidelines are explained and everyone gets clarity on what is and is not allowed.

What is a Pl@y Party?

It is a social laboratory where people are free to engage in consensual affection though they do not have to. Consent is paramount for this event.

What are your rules for Pl@y Parties?


- [ ] PERSONAL STORAGE: Feel free to use the black, cube-like cabinet is for storing personal items.

- [ ] SAFER S3X SUPPLIES: The white table contains clean towels, c0nd0ms, and other safer s3x supplies. If you are finished with a towel that needs to be washed, please give it to us.

- [ ] WE REUSE PLASTIC PLATES & UTENSILS: Please do not throw away plastic plates or utensils. Leave them on the kitchen counter.

- [ ] RECYCLABLE BOTTLES: Please label any recyclable bottle that you use, and check to see that a bottle is yours before drinking from it. Please drop empty recyclable bottles in the paper bag standing on the floor at the kitchen.

- [ ] DRY TRASH: Put dry trash in the paper bag standing on the floor near the kitchen.

- [ ] WET TRASH: Let us know about any wet trash unrelated to playing. We will show you were to place it.

- [ ] RESTROOM: Keep restroom tidy. If something in it needs attention, please promptly let us know. Please leave the restroom door when it is not in use.

- [ ] BALCONY: Available for sitting, quiet conversation, sm0king (cigarettes), and level white play (non-s3xual). No phones allowed on balcony.

- [ ] SOFA: No bare skin on sofa. Only level white play is allowed.

- [ ] OFF-LIMIT ROOMS: Any door with a sign “private” on it means it is off limits.

- [ ] TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION: If you must use your phone, please leave building to do so. Be discreet. No loud talking or audibly identifying the type of event you are at. We do not want problems with neighbors.

- [ ] CLEANLINESS: Please do not let genitaIs or bodiIy fIuids be in contact with blankets, rugs, or the carpet. Only play on top of a clean towel. Bare asses should also be only in contact with clean towels.

- [ ] FOOD/BEVERAGE TABLE: Please wash hands with soap and warm water immediately before touching anything on the food/beverage table. No fingering anything that you are not going to eat. No eating over the table. We don’t want anything dropping from your mouth or plate onto the table.

- [ ] KITCHEN: Kitchen is generally off limits except for washing hands. If you might need something else from the kitchen, ask us. Please do not access drawers, cabinets, or the refrigerator.

- [ ] NO TOUCHING CONTROLS: No one should be touching the climate control panel, the speakers, or our computer. If you have any concern about temperature in the room, music, lighting, etc, please ask.

What happens during an opening circle and must I be present for it?

Yes, everyone MUST be present for the opening circle at a Pl@y Party. Some events, such as pujas, also have an opening circle that is more flexible because clothing remains on at white level events.

During the opening circle we have some fun warm up games (ice-breakers), go over house rules, CONSENT, and safer s3x practices. The goal is to allow everyone present to get to know each other and create an environment that is as safe as possible and where everyone is on the same page.

What kind of music will be played?

My MC is the bomb. Usually we have sensual, seductive, tantric style music, however it will depend on the event and how the participants are engaging. We've played everything from massage music, to House, Techno, and other styles.

What is a "Safer S3X Elevator Speech" and when should I use it?

We recommend having this conversation before engaging in any affection.

Be sensitive to the reality that some people have never been tested for STI's.

If you have never been tested, you may want to plan on getting tested as a routine matter. We recommend every 6 months (or more if you frequently have new partners).

- [ ] When were you last tested for s3xually transmitted infections (STI’s)?

- [ ] What specific STI’s were you tested for? (Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia, HIV, HPV, Herpes Simplex Virus Type I, Herpes Simplex Virus Type II, Hepatitis B & C)

- [ ] (Note: There are other STI’s that are lesser known. Also, MonkeyPox is currently in the news worldwide and classified in some countries as an endemic.)

- [ ] What were the results of those tests? (If a test result was negative, we recommend saying “clear” rather than “clean”, since “clean” implies that a positive test result means someone is dirty, and the reality is that even someone who is very careful sexually can acquire an STI.)

- [ ] What exposure to potential STI’s have you had since you were last tested?

- [ ] What are your current relationships and agreements therein?

- [ ] What are your safer-sex practices? For example, c0ndoms, dental dams, gloves, etc.

- [ ] What is an example of a type of touch that you like?

- [ ] What is an example of a type of touch that you dislike?

- [ ] What, if any, MEANING might our activity have for each of us after this encounter? THIS WILL SAVE YOU EMOTIONAL PAPERWORK. Is this a one time thing, or a marriage proposal? (We like to have a telephone conversation the next day after engaging in affection with someone.)

Other Facilitators


Energetic Ecstasy & Fuck Heartbreak Co-Facilitator

Lawrence "The Energy Master" Lanoff

My Mentor


Hi Sexy! Goddess Aphrodite Hope, here…

You may never have met a woman before in your life who is so open about talking about relationships and sexuality… Yes, women like this DO exist! Here I am!

Contact Info


Telephone: +1 (858) 367-0529

@ Copyright 2022 - Aphrodite Hope Tantra | All rights reserved